Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fantasy peer Review

It was definitely something new writing a review on a classmates piece of writing. I tried to be critical but I think I'm naturally inclined to like my peers pieces of writings. I find it a lot easier to judge my writing than other people's. I am looking forward to seeing what my peer reviews say however. Looking back on what I wrote I'm not quite sure how good my piece of writing was. It was really hard for me to think of the theme I wanted to write about. I had an idea clear in my head, I just hope it came through on paper, If not I will have to revise more than planned. I do like the idea of peer reviewing, because you almost get a sense of what you would think about your paper, if it wasn't your paper, if that makes any sense... Assignment #3 was definitely a challenge for me, but it was also fun to write and I'm curious to see what people thought about it in class today....and nervous!

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