Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bell Hooks template

The general argument made by Bell hooks in her writing, Essentialism and Experience, is that experience is an important aspect of fully understanding a subject. More specifically she argues that with the differentiation of people's experiences there can not be one common way of teaching or learning a certain subject. She writes that "exclusions that stipulate, for instance, only women can understand feminine experience, only Jews can understand Jewish suffering," can be dangerous and misleading. In this passage Bell Hooks is suggesting that it is important to have your own experiences because it can make understanding and explaining of a topic more thorough. In conclusion, learning is best when you have your own experiences, and your own experiences can help others to understand certain topics also.
In my view she is right because people do learn best from experience. More specifically, I believe that direct examples and experiences help people learn more than just theory. For example, sometimes people do not change their behavior until something happens that makes them, opposed to just hearing they should change their behavior.

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