Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Gillian Lynne

Hearing the story of how Gillian Lynne was "diagnosed" as a dancer really makes me wonder what talented people our culture has never seen due to medications that maybe halted their creativity. I can't really say that I'm on one side of the "ADD-ADHD debate," but I have been around this debate for quite some time. In my experience it seems like taking medication for these "disabilities" can be good and bad. I think if someone wants to be able to focus and learn just like everyone else medication isn't the worst thing for them, but it is their choice. If not being able to focus really bothers someone they should be able to get something to fix it. However, that person should know that focusing and doing well in things that other kids to well in is not what is most important. It is all about what makes that child happy, and what is best for that unique child. If everyone was good at one specific thing, or had one specific way of learning the world would never progress. Again, I am still not sure of my opinion on this matter. But these are just some of my thoughts.

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