Thursday, October 20, 2011

Literary Genres

When I looked up literary genres I was surprised to read definitions of the ways of writing that we are to use for assignment number three. I think it would be really interesting to use a fable or a fairy tale to show the privileged standpoint of my peers and me as students. It would be difficult though. It would be easy to write a bibliography, or a non-fiction paper on this subject, but my guess is that too many of those have already been written. I think it will be fun to take a topic so straight forward and turn it into a fairy tale. I'm interested to see how it pans out. Here is a list of some genres I found...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Bell Hook's Essentialism and Experience, shows her view and an opposing view of "essentialism and experience." Through reading this piece essentialism seems to be the experience's a person has due to which marginalized group they happen to be a member of. For example, white male's have different experiences than white female's, black female's have different experiences than white female's, and so on. Essentialism seems to suggest that our race and gender effect our experiences therefore effecting who we are as people, and how we think and act. Hook's opinion seems to be that there is a privaleged experience in some class rooms. She says that white male's sometimes, without trying, suggest that their experiences and way's of thinking are priority. I wonder if that is true about essentialism. Do we as people think that our experience's and ways of thinking, due to who we are, are better than other's? I know I have met many who seem to believe that. Ofcourse, many people do not portray this view on purpose. From early age's I think people have essentialism surrounding them. People are trained to think that their experiences are important, which they are, but maybe we lack the realization that this is uniform for all people. As the experiences that are formed based on the gender and race of a singular individual are important, so are these particular experiences for every different human being. The important thing about essentialism I think is to let it improve your intellect, without it becoming your intellect.       

Monday, October 3, 2011

Peer Review

I really enjoyed the peer review we did in class last week. I just finished editing my "second-first draft" and i felt that i had good help and ideas to benefit my paper. I really tried to focus on, shifting the structure of my paper opposed to just changing around a few words. Im hoping that i did a good job on the re-write without changing my overall message. I definitely used the ideas my peer reviewers gave me and i am very content with my paper. I guess i will have to see how class goes tomorrow!